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CNS Depresants

Brand / Generic Names

Secobarbital, phetobarbital, ambarbital, amosecobarbital, phenobarbital, chloral hydrate, diazepam, fluralzepam, droperidol, chlopromazine, alcohol, methaquolane, hydrochloride, lithium citrate.

Possible effects of depressants

Central nervous system depressants slow down the opera of the brain. They first affect those areas of the brain that control a person's conscious, voluntary actions. As dosage increases, As the dosage increases, depressants begin to affect the parts of the brain controlling the bodies automatic, unconscious, processes, such as heartbeat and respiration.

Most depressant users ingest these drugs orally, however, a few abusers will inject their drugs intravenously. The injection paraphernalia used by barbiturate abusers are similar to those used by heroin addicts, although a wider gauge hypodermic needle is used, because the barbiturate solution is thicker then the heroin solution.

The affects of depressants are once again compared to those of alcohol. Reduced social inhibitions impaired ability to divide attention slow reflexes impaired judgment and concentration impaired vision and coordination compared slurred, mumbled and incoherent speech and wide variety of emotional effects.

Some depressants act very quickly, and begin to affect their user within seconds. Others act more slowly, sometimes taking one-half hour or more to begin to exert an influence. Them quick-acting depressants also tend to be relatively short acting: in some cases their effects wear off in a matter of minutes.

Overdoses  of depressants produce effects that are the same as alcohol overdoses.